Grace is a joyful, affirming Episcopal community rooted in the love of God and all of God’s creation.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the holy season of Lent, a time when the church marks a period of repentance, fasting, and self-examination, and a time where those new to the community of the church prepared for the sacrament of baptism. Grace will hold services of Holy Eucharist and the imposition of ashes at noon (spoken word service) and at 7:00 p.m. (choral service) on Ash Wednesday, March 5th.
Joyful Community
Grace is a place with lots of space for delight and wonder. We share table fellowship at regular community breakfasts and boisterous parish events. We love to welcome guests and share conversation.
Questions are welcome at Grace, and you do not have to check your doubts or curiosity at the door. Together, we enjoy wrestling with scripture and learning how to live faithfully in a complex world. At Grace, you will find soaring music, lively sermons, and a warm community of people who seek to live wholeheartedly in the way of Christ’s love.
Affirming & Inclusive
We believe that diversity, including diversity of gender and sexual orientation, is a beautiful, integral part of God’s creation, and that God has called us “good.” God’s love is for saints and sinners, terms that both apply to every single one of us, and we do not believe that living as one’s true self is a sin. As a community, we seek to offer healing for the ways that the Church has silenced, shamed and wounded LGBTQIA+ children of God. We celebrate that the Spirit of God works in ways that transform the categories that humans use to separate ourselves from God and from one another.
Caring for Creation
Love for the gift of God’s creation runs deep at Grace. When you approach the church, you might notice bluebird boxes or the green tree canopy. In addition to making room for all manner of people in our midst, the GreenGrace team maintains native habitat, providing homes and food for all kinds of creatures. The Grace grounds also house community gardens, free (u-pick) gardens, a Level 2 Urban Arboretum and a weekly farmers’ market (Saturdays from 10-noon). Our members work throughout our area to advocate for policies and practices that honor creation, including habitat restoration, environmental justice, waterway clean-up, green infrastructure and sustainability.